sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011


What is the meaning of life? Whatever you want it to be. For me, life is freedom because you can do whatever you want, you can be whatever you want, if only you know how to make the right decisions.We often say that we don`t like this life, this world, why? Because some people ruin our day, because some things don`t go very well today, because the weather outside makes us even more indisposed, because our parents find any reason to yell at us, even if is the smallest thing ever. Yeah, is true, but we can change this things, we could not let anyone ruin our days, we could ignore all that shits that happen to us, we could smile to weather outside and simply enjoy it, as appears to us and we could tell our parents that we can fix things without screaming at each other.We have solutions for everything, we must want to change something in our lives and we must have no fear. Life it`s all about taking chances, about doing something you said you couldn`t do, it`s about being goofy,it`s about not caring what other people think, it`s about learning everything, how to live, how to love what you have.And don`t forget, when you're happy like a fool, let it take you over, when everything is out, you gotta take it in..<3

This has gotta be the good life
This could really be a good life..

4 comentarii:

  1. "if only you know how to make the right decisions"- nu exista decizii bune sau rele.sunt doar deciziile pe care le ia fiecare,atata timp cat nu exagereaza sau nu incalca legea.
    viata in general trebuie sa ti-o faci tu singur/a mai usoara.si singurul mod in care poti face asta este sa iti pastrezi mereu o gandire pozitiva,sa nu te lasi influentat de nimeni si nimic.
    ps: ma copiezi la faza cu versurile la sfarsit:)):*

  2. nu am pus decat la 2 posturi versuri, ca se potriveau :p :*

  3. si sunt multi care nu gandesc pozitiv tocmai pentru ca au luat o decizie gresita si se demoralizeaza.

  4. Orice decizie aparent "gresita" poate devenii "buna" in timp =) .Tot ce ti se intampla acum si ti se va intampla este urmarea tuturor deciziilor luate anterior
